Monday, June 16, 2008


There are ppl who tend to be curious by nature and there are ppl who are curiosity solver. There is a bit of difference between the two seemingly close groups. One will raise question and lot of questions. The other will try to give an answe to these. Many a times we get to know sth and then have some doubt. Certain ppl will immediately go to smbdy who gave them the initial knowledge regarding the subject and will get the matter clarified/ask the question there and will ask for an explanation. Some ppl will look for the answers themselves and will try not to ask anybdy regarding these. Then, they may get an answer or may not. Both these kinds have their benefit and drawbacks. The first group knows the answer more easily and quickly and probably the discussion with some knowledgeable person helps them get a better understanding. The other group will know all the hurdles while looking for the solution. Sometimes this grp will not have a solution and will know abt a lot more problems. But, the time will be definitely large.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Does every thing which bothers us really a part of our thought process or we are made to think about these things by other factors? Are we really concerned about certain things or are we responding to an external stimuli?
For example, are we really concerned when a boy goes down in a well or are we just responding to the sensationalization of the news being fed down our throat by the all powerful media?
Do all the ppl taking out a march/protest/dharna really believe in its cause? Ya many poor come to these because they are lured by leaders to come. But, are the so called educated ones support the causes because these are right as per their conscience? Or are there conscience skewed because of external factors like friends, society, media, etc.? We keep on hearing that India has not made much of development/has made sufficient development and we will find a lot of ppl supporting both part of it. But, how many percentage of both these groups really have cared to get the data on their own to validate their support? I hope majority does!!
There are a few things where one turns blind eye to a part of issue and raise a lot of concern to the other part of the same issue:
Politicans - they are in general bad ppl and they make huge amt of money and make undue advantage of their power and positions. PPl think they shd be removed but nobody is ready to take their place even if they are removed. The ppl who are ready to take their place are in the same category as the current set of politicians. So what will happend even if the current politicians go? The new set will be same only the faces will be changed!
Reservations: These should go as India has come too far and these are not at all useful in current scenario and are creating much problem. Well what about the reservations given by religion? It seems the priests post is 100% reserved.