Friday, June 03, 2005

Is it worth it?

It seems everybody keeps on working to earn more to make his/her life better. But, is it worth it? I know u need to earn to fill the bellies. U also need the money to live the life lavishly. But, where the hell is time to enjoy all these when you keep on working like hell? Well, when one is at the start of one's career, then what really matters is money. But, do it matters at the end of the life too? I think no. People tend to have a perspective view of what they did in their life at the end of life and they feel dissatisfied when they see that they have not done anything worth in their life. Money is everything for a large number of people in this deprived society of ours but running after it will never make this deprived society a developed society. The society needs to diversify to cater to all aspects.
But what is happening at present is people are diversifying the ways of earning money. The ways to earn has increased manifolds. U go to any department and you find newer ways of bribing to get your work done. What is even more astonishing that everybody has accepted the process as a part of life. Even then, the person who is taking the bribe will be busy giving a lecture on the present situation of bribing and he/she will be busy telling a story abt him/herself in which the person had to bribe to get even the minor things done. What a farce? Height of hypocrisy.....
What is even more astonishing tat if a person tends to follow the correct path then even his fellows would mock at him/her and will say tat he could have get the things done in a much easier manner if he/she could have gone the wrong way.
Everybody living in this society seems to be fed up with it and will always be yelling for changing the system. But, is anybody ready to come forward to make the change?? Is the yelling worth it?
Is the life worth living if you have to just keep on yelling without doing anything useful????


abnegator said...

I feel the post content is some form of an image of a confused mind! Dont take it as some criticism of any kind. I see it differently and so do the million others and thats why we have such a diverse array of likes and dislikes from person to person. no1orsome1 says it all. Do what means important to you. Do what makes u feel happy and satisfied and then it will for sure be worth it!

wats the need said...

hey tats true tat I am confused and out of this only I posted this blog (the first ever). U ppl tell to do wat is worth for me but how to decide wat is worthwhile????

Amrita said...

What gives you pleasure without harming anyone around you, of course knowingly, is mostly considered to be worthwhile.

As far as money is concerned:
"Man made money; money made man mad"

wats the need said...

Hi Amrita, well wat u said is wat I used to think some time back. But, u can do many things which are worthwhile and can still be harmful. Like killing a killer may be harming the killer but it may save the lives of many.
On the other hand, u may do things which may not be harmful and may not be worthwhile.
What I intend here from worthwhile is what should be considered worthwhile to be made the aim of life??

Anyways, its always nice hearing new views

Amrita said...

One shouldn't destroy what one hasn't made. Killing any one is not a good act, thought at times it was the only option to save one's life. Still you can't escape your inner voice - you can fight with the entire world, but you will feel weak to fight with your own self.
Why don't you think of making someone your GURU, as they say - he'll lead you to the path of moksh probably
Hey...hope I haven't said too much. So take it just as a "new view"

wats the need said...

Thanks for the suggestion.. I dont believe in a single GURU... I just keep on learning things whenever and whereever I find things worth learning.....To say worth learning means what ever strikes my inner self. Be it the boldness of a labourer asking for his/her complete wages or be it a friend giving advices.

abnegator said...

I could make a blog out of this conversation :D !!!