Friday, December 28, 2007

Have you ever wondered as to why people(S) consider some people close(C) and some not close? Well there may be a numerous reasons. Just one of these reasons is the fact that these ppl don't confront their ideas....or may be C just hear the ideas of S and keep silent or just support these ideas....
But, someday if these C comeup with some ideas which is totally against the ideas of S then the scene changes, well not always but sometimes it surely changes.....
Many a time ppl tend to think that what ever decision or idea one has is the best for the scenario and only those who are in that scenario can only give some ideas which will be worth giving a thought. If somebody who does not belong to the scenario comes up with an idea then it is not worth just because of the fact that they are not aware of the ground realities.
Y is it tat everybdy is compared with same rules? There may be certain persons/brains which may be able to comprehend the ground realities even without actually coming across the scenarios.....There may be ppl who can live life in the 5-star suits and think of the problems of the poors who has no where to live.....May be ppl can gather different amount of information from a simple book or a simple story!!!